The first quilt comes from Helen at Moore Park and is being quilted with the stars and loops pattern. The circular quilt comes from Barbara at Crow’s Nest and is being quilted with the sticky buns pattern.
Tag Archives: stars and loops e2e machine quilting pattern
Meandering leaves, stars and loops and deb’s swirls patterns.
Circle meander, stars and loops, and leaf meander patterns
The first two quilts were delivered by Pam from St George who will take these home with her tomorrow. The first quilt is being quilted with the budget circle meander pattern and the round robin medallion quilt with the stars and loops pattern. The third quilt comes from Roma Patchwork Club and is being quilted with the budget leaf meander pattern.
Stars and loops and I love it hearts pattern
Lucky charms, meandering leaves, Irish swirls and stars and loops patterns
The first quilt is from Rosemary from Toowoomba who chose the lucky charms e2e machine quilting pattern for her quilt. The blue police quilt made by Betty from Brassall is being quilted with the budget meandering leaves pattern while the pink quilt made by Patricia from Toowoomba is being quilted with Irish swirls. The western theme quilt made by Anita from Brookstead is being quilted with the stars and loops pattern.
Pebble Fill, Petal Power and Stars and Loops e2e patterns
From the coast to the bush, quilts arrive at KoolKat
The stitchery quilt is from Blondie at Bollon and this is being quilted with the jasmine e2e machine quilting pattern in a cream thread so as not to show up on the background of the stitchery panels. The middle quilt is from Pam of Pittsworth, who had this quilt made for her by her friend Coral. It is being quilted with the budget meandering leaves e2e. The lime green quilt is from Tracey from Miami Beach and is being quilted with the stars and loops e2e pattern.
Stars for a star quilt
Two quilts, one with blue, one with red borders, arrived from Elizabeth at Quirindi in NSW today. The blue quilt has a nautical theme and we chose the plush e2e machine quilting pattern
For the second quilt we chose the stars and loops e2e. Win from Cairns sent the purple quilt and she asked for the budget I Love It trailing hearts e2e.