The first 2 quilts are from Colleen from Millmerran who asked for the budget I Love It trailing hearts pattern on her quilts. The second pair are from Glenda at Mt Rascal, the LHS is being quilted with nouveau scallops and the right with frisky feathers.
Tag Archives: mt rascal
Pebble fill, sticky buns and I Love It patterns.
Pebble Fill and new leaf e2e patterns
Maru bishamon, pebble fill, and sticky buns patterns
Glenda from Mount Rascal delivered 5 quilts yesterday. After an early start and Harry Manx (not Spike Jones) on the box, the first 2 Japanese quilts are being quilted with the Maru Bishamon pattern, the strip quilt with pebble fill as is the green quilt, while the final quilt is being quilted with sticky buns e2e.