Lois from Millmerran sent two quilts: the first one, a bargello, is being quilted with the irish swirls e2e pattern, and the second with the ribbon fill pattern.
Tag Archives: millmerran
Fleur-de-lis shield e2e machine quilting pattern
Budget I Love It, Nouveau Scallops and Frisky Feathers patterns.
Belladonna, alfresco, i love it and budget loop-d-loop patterns
Budget loop-d-loop and gossamer patterns
Roseleaves, daisy chain, meander, ribbon candy and circle meander patterns
Irene from Alpha sent 3 quilts for the March Madness special. The yellow border quilt is being quilted with the roseleaves e2e pattern. The pink quilt in the second photo, also Irene’s quilt, is being quilted with the daisy chain e2e. The quilt in the background was made by Gabrielle from Toowoomba and is being quilted with the meander pattern. The next two are from Judy at Millmerran, the first is being quilted with ribbon candy, the second with circle meander
Today’s quilts from the eastern Darling Downs
The pink and brown quilt shows some great colour combinations and comes from Jan of Crow’s nest who has asked for the techno e2e machine quilting pattern. The blue and white quilt comes from Michelle of Millmerran and is being quilted in the roseleaves e2e to reflect the rose pattern in the background fabric.