Speedy professional quilting service – FREE post Australia-wide!
Glenda from Mount Rascal delivered 5 quilts yesterday. After an early start and Harry Manx (not Spike Jones) on the box, the first 2 Japanese quilts are being quilted with the Maru Bishamon pattern, the strip quilt with pebble fill as is the green quilt, while the final quilt is being quilted with sticky buns e2e.
Hilda from Mitchell sent the child’s quilt and the Japanese Doll quilts, the first quilt is being quilted with the dragonflies e2e machine quilting pattern, and the second with the Maru Bishamon e2e. The middle two quilts are from Lesleigh of Westlake, Brisbane, the yellow quilt has been quilted with the leaf meander e2e and the other quilt with the meandering leaves e2e. The bottom two quilts are from Coral at Pittsworth and these have been quilted with budget e2e machine quilting patterns.
The purple and green quilt is from Annette of Toowoomba and has been quilted with the jasmine e2e machine quilting pattern. The bottom quilt is from Julia from Mount Isa in north-west Qld and is being quilted with the Yin Yang e2e pattern. The middle quilt is from Gerry at Coburg, Victoria and is being quilted with the Maru Bishamon e2e
Today’s first quilt comes from Gail on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast and has been quilted with the Maru Bishamon e2e machine quilting pattern in a grey thread. Emma’s fairy quilt was sent by Mavis of Roma and also has a label to mark the second birthday of grand-daughter Emma. It has been quilted with the plush e2e pattern in a lilac thread to match the lilac batik fabric used in this quilt.
Today’s quilts come from far and wide along the eastern side of Australia. The quilt with the rectangular blocks comes from Andrea at Warrnambool in Victoria which is being quilted with the Maru Bishamon e2e machine quilting pattern. The middle two quilts came from Anna from a property near Miles on the western downs (Fireflies and Deb’s Swirls), and the bottom quilt from Johnelle at St George (Not square e2e).