The first 2 quilts are from Colleen from Millmerran who asked for the budget I Love It trailing hearts pattern on her quilts. The second pair are from Glenda at Mt Rascal, the LHS is being quilted with nouveau scallops and the right with frisky feathers.
Tag Archives: budget I Love It trailing hearts e2e machine quilting pattern
Pebble fill, sticky buns and I Love It patterns.
Stars and loops and I love it hearts pattern
Happy times and I love it patterns
Belladonna, alfresco, i love it and budget loop-d-loop patterns
I Love It, deb’s swirls, paisley playtime and flower puff patterns
The yellow cot quilt is from Jo of Toowoomba and is being quilted with the budget I Love It pattern. The king size navy quilt comes from Rosemary, also from Toowoomba and is being quilted with the budget deb’s swirls pattern. Finally, two quilts from barb of Rockhampton – the foreground Irish chain quilt is being quilted with the paisley playtime pattern and the small quilt with the flower puff pattern.
I Love It Hearts pattern on Kaffe Fassett quilt
Budget I Love It and ribbon candy patterns
Meandering leaves and I Love It hearts pattern
Budget quilting patterns
The lemon floral quilt made by Gail from Sanctuary Cove is being quilted with the budget I love it hearts pattern and also has a unique embroidered quilt label made by KoolKat. The blue flannel quilt comes from Brookstead and was made by Anita and the pattern used is the budget loop-d-loop e2e. The final quilt was made by Rosemary from Wilsonton and is being quilted with the budget circle meander pattern.