Rosemary from Wilsonton deliver 4 quilts yesterday afternoon. The first is being quilted with the budget meandering leaves, the pinwheel quilt with stars and loops, and the next two with the budget deb’s swirls pattern.
Tag Archives: budget debs swirls e2e machine quilting pattern
I Love It, deb’s swirls, paisley playtime and flower puff patterns
The yellow cot quilt is from Jo of Toowoomba and is being quilted with the budget I Love It pattern. The king size navy quilt comes from Rosemary, also from Toowoomba and is being quilted with the budget deb’s swirls pattern. Finally, two quilts from barb of Rockhampton – the foreground Irish chain quilt is being quilted with the paisley playtime pattern and the small quilt with the flower puff pattern.
Deb’s Swirls e2e pattern on maroon quilt
Coffee time at KoolKat
New quilt from Kathy Adams of KoolKat Quilting
Half price machine quilting offer creates interest
The first quilt comes from Dianne at Mundingburra, Townsville. Dianne is a new customer who has taken up the 50% discount offer
She will also go in the draw for the $100 fabric pack for the first 20 to take up this quilting offer. Her quilt is being quilted with the Jasmine e2e machine quilting pattern. The second quilt comes from Liane at Bouldercombe and is being quilted with the bohemia e2e pattern. The bottom quilt is from Marlene at Quilpie and is being quilted with the budget Deb’s Swirls e2e pattern.
Local and eastern Darling Downs quilts
The first quilt today at KoolKat Quilting is from Karen of Pittsworth who brought this quilt which is being quilted in the maple leaf e2e machine quilting pattern. The middle quilt comes from Lyn of Toowoomba and is being quilted with the budget deb’s swirls e2e, while the bottom quilt is from Marion, also from Toowoomba, who asked fro the budget meandering leaves e2e.
Quilts from far and wide.
Today’s quilts come from far and wide along the eastern side of Australia. The quilt with the rectangular blocks comes from Andrea at Warrnambool in Victoria which is being quilted with the Maru Bishamon e2e machine quilting pattern. The middle two quilts came from Anna from a property near Miles on the western downs (Fireflies and Deb’s Swirls), and the bottom quilt from Johnelle at St George (Not square e2e).
From Chinchilla to Cairns
The first quilt is designed and made by Ann from Toowoomba who is using up her fabric stash. She chose the budget leaf meander e2e pattern for this quilt. The next three quilts came from Chinchilla the Aboriginal theme quilt is from Glenys who asked for a budget pattern, and the next two from Barbara where we have used the budget Deb’s Swirls and Ribbon Candy e2e patterns. The last quilt from Meryl at Aloomba in Cairns was bought as a strip fabric pack and the Bali Spice pattern from the KoolKat stand at last year’s annual quilt show in Toowoomba. It has been quilted in the Henna Leaf e2e pattern: label, binding and backing supplied by KoolKat Quilting.
Quilts from Toowoomba and nearby
The first quilt is from Betty of Warwick who selected the budget leaf meander e2e machine quilting pattern for her quilt. The next quilts are a similar pattern, but one is for a boy and the other, a girl. Jan from Toowoomba chose the paisley playtime pattern for the girl’s quilt and the budget Deb’s Swirls for the boy’s quilt. The double wedding ring quilt is one of the first quilts made by Pauline from Booval and is being quilted in the budget meander pattern.