Author Archives: koolkatquilting

Kathy, with husband Geoff own and operate KoolKat Quilting, a long arm quilting service. We specialise in fast mail order quilting and offer FREE Postage Australia - wide to our many customers.

Another three for two quilting offer set of quilts

The first three quilts are another set for the three for two machine quilting offer.  These quilts came from Pamela at Jandowae: the hexagon quilt is being quilted with the budget meander pattern and other two quilts with the daisy chain pattern.  The purple quilt is a converted doona which is being quilted with the dragonflies e2e pattern.





Three for two machine quilting offer, plus discounted patterns

Three for two machine quilting offer


KoolKat’s new financial year offer commences today.


Send three quilts for machine quilting, and quilting for the third quilt is free (excludes set-up fee and any materials such backing and wadding, smallest of the 3 is the free quilt).  We don’t mind if you get together with a friend or two to make up your numbers, just so long as we receive all quilts together and payment and delivery are treated as one order.  If sending by post, this means all quilts will be returned in one parcel to one address only.


If you or your club or group has more than 3 quilts, talk to us about what we could offer (for example, 6 quilts would be two free, but for 4 or 5, we will also offer a discount on the extras).


Offer ends Tuesday July 31.


Plus, plus plus….  any five of Kat’s unique quilting patterns at $2 ea., normally $10-17 (printed patterns only).  Strictly while stocks last.  Patterns can be seen on our website, and will be sent with your quilt order.