Monthly Archives: February 2021

Bush berries and autumn leaves e2e patterns, quilting over cross stitch

Many of our customers took note of our extended break during April-May, and are sending quilts and more quilts.  The first is an Australiana quilt from Debby at Belivah and is being quilted with the bush berries patter.  The Autumn quilt comes from Janell at Quilpie and is being quilted with the autumn leaves pattern.  The dolphins quilt comes from Kath at Mansfield, Victoria and is being quilted with the budget deb’s swirls pattern, and the exquisite cross stitch quilt was made by Narelle from Tara.

Bali Butterfly quilt pattern designed by Kat from KoolKat

 This is an example of Kat from KoolKat’s bail butterfly quilt pattern design made by Joan from Toowoomba and is being quilted with the buttery flurry e2e machine quilting pattern.  Bali Butterfly is available internationally from Quiltwoman and in Australia from Marita Atkins of Keep Quilting.