Thank you to the organisers and Paroo Shire Council for welcoming us to Eulo on June 4 where Kathy held a wrapped rope bag making workshop. The participants made good progress on their projects during the day as can be seen in the photos below. Kathy has decided she will retire from taking quilting workshops for the foreseeable future as she concentrates on her own projects and other interests. Eulo’s enthusiasm made a great finale and Kathy and Geoff enjoyed their stay on their second visit to this township. After Eulo, the KoolKats travelled on via Currawinya NP, Hungerford, Wanaaring, Tibooburra and Sturt NP, Silverton, Menindeee, Lake Mungo, Gundabooka NP south of Bourke, Hebel, Nindigully Gully, Westmar and home. Trip photos will appear on our Facebook page.